Eveda's Blog

Multimedia eBook (eVeda) – eBOOK with multimedia Content

Daily Archives: November 8, 2008

Multimedia EBook (Eveda) – new format of EBook.


Combining possibilities of several media (sound, text, image, dynamics, interactivity) the EBook has received ability to influence the reader on all levels of perception.

World Wide Web (http://www.eveda.org) October 15, 2008 — The first online publication of Multimedia EBook (Eveda).

The colorful variety of photos and pictures, effective music and a soundtrack, the original text, game elements, flip browsing of pages and immersing in action – has incorporated in one product.
Now the author speaks with the reader not only by means of words which call emotions and thoughts, but also strengthens sensations from sounding music, from shown images. Characters of the book and event are not illustrated and sounded, they are filled the second, third, fourth measurement of perception.
The first Eveda`s prototypes combined only two art forms, for example – a photo and music, verses and photos, dynamic drawings and a rhythm. And it was very effective. But as the literature comprises huge possibilities searches have proceeded.

One of examples:

The fantastic novel about a metamorphosis of the modern woman allows using all elements of Multimedia EBook. “The woman cannot be understood, it is possible to feel only” And how it is possible to feel the woman without its images and without sounding music? If to add to «Ritratto di Monna Lisa del Giocondo» sounding organs melody and the text description of occurring events, the quantity of questions only will increase, but perception of a sincere condition Leonardo da Vinci – will extend repeatedly.
Spending some literary competitions are selected literary works which arrive in a creative workshop of publishing house. Composers and musicians, artists and photographers, programmers and designers, creative editors – all together create absolutely new product of creativity.
«The complete composition of Eveda`s clears up mental level of access not through belief and imposing, but through natural reactions of our sense organs» Conclusion of the psychoanalytic.
The technology Adobe Flash allows combining harmlessly and subjectively sounds, images, text and interactive elements.
The usual book has illustrations. Comics have accompanying images. And only multimedia EBook lets out at once some channels of a narration simultaneously.
It is necessary to apply the new term to use of multimedia EBooks: to perceive. Not to read – as usual books, not to listen – as to audio-book, not to consider – as albums and galleries, namely – to perceive.

Online preliminary viewing and video presentation – helps to be guided with subjects of multimedia EBook. Downloading to the computer and installing the software (Eveda setup) the client receives the complete set of all high-quality music and in the HD image. For fans not interrupted reading process – there are mp3 and Palm versions.
Adobe promises to integrate soon Flash into mobile phones and PDA.
Now multimedia EBook are published in such themes: Sci-Fiction, Fantasy, Education, Gamers worlds, Erotic, Collections, Poetry, Philosophy and others.

So it is told in pres-release…

Some links show responses to these experiments with the book.
It is possible to download free introductions to two published serials, in English and Russian languages.
Attempt to combine the book with a computer game is visible.

And what for it is all?
Attempt is artificial to create a new art form?
The creative approach to expectations of consumers?
Chaotic throwings of literary actors?

Let’s think together.